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Installation of Double Eccentric PTFE Seal Butterfly Valve for Large Diameter Valve

(Summary description)LargediameterdoubleeccentricPTFEsealingbutterflyvalve D343H,D343YtypePN6~PN40doubleeccentricPTFEsealingbutterflyvalveisinstalledinpetroleum,chemical,food,medicine,textile,paper,waterandelectricity,shi

Installation of Double Eccentric PTFE Seal Butterfly Valve for Large Diameter Valve

(Summary description)LargediameterdoubleeccentricPTFEsealingbutterflyvalve D343H,D343YtypePN6~PN40doubleeccentricPTFEsealingbutterflyvalveisinstalledinpetroleum,chemical,food,medicine,textile,paper,waterandelectricity,shi

Large diameter double eccentric PTFE sealing butterfly valve
D343H, D343Y type PN6~PN40 double eccentric PTFE sealing butterfly valve is installed in petroleum, chemical, food, medicine, textile, paper, water and electricity, shipbuilding, water supply and drainage, smelting and other systems, in all corrosive and non-corrosive systems. Gas, liquid, semi-fluid and solid powder pipelines and containers can be used for regulation and interception, and can be installed at any position.
The butterfly valve is a fluid switch that uses a disc-type opening and closing member to reciprocate about 90 degrees. It is usually used as a blocking opening, flow regulating valve and damping valve in liquid, gas, and other fluid pipeline systems. Large-diameter butterfly valve refers to a valve with a diameter greater than 100cm.
The original butterfly valve is a simple flapper valve that does not close tightly. The butterfly plate of the simple fluid adjustment switch large-diameter butterfly valve is installed in the diameter direction of the pipeline. In the cylindrical channel of the butterfly valve body, the disc-shaped butterfly plate rotates around the axis, and the rotation angle is between 0°-90°. When the rotation reaches 90°, the valve is fully opened.
1. The installation position, height, and direction of import and export must meet the design requirements, and the connection should be firm and tight.
2. The handles of all kinds of manual valves installed on the thermal insulation pipeline must not be downward.
3. The valve must be visually inspected before installation. The nameplate of the valve should comply with the current national standard "General Valve Marking" GB 12220. For valves with a working pressure greater than 1.0 MPa and a cut-off function on the main pipe, the strength and tightness performance test shall be carried out before installation, and the valve shall be used only after it is qualified. During the strength test, the test pressure is 1.5 times the nominal pressure and the duration is not less than 5min. The valve housing and packing should be qualified without leakage. During the tightness test, the test pressure is 1.1 times the nominal pressure; the test pressure should meet the requirements of the GB 50243 standard during the test duration, and no leakage on the ram sealing surface is qualified. Large diameter valve

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